25 Nisan 2024

 Global urban mobility transformation project from Ford Otosan

Ford Otosan is intent on leading the sustainability transformation of the automotive ecosystem. With this in mind, the company has been ramping up its R&D activities and innovations aimed at developing mobility solutions for the future.
Within the framework of the European Union’s Horizon Europe program, Ford Otosan is taking part in the project ZEV-UP, ‘Frugal Zero-Emission Vehicles Concepts for the Urban Passenger’. The project, which is part of the 2Zero ‘Towards Zero-Emission Road Transport Partnership’, is bringing together 18 stakeholders from 11 countries to develop a modular, zero-emission, user-centred battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV).
Offering both personal and business solutions

Developed to meet a variety of user needs, the ZEV-UP series will feature three different models. These ultra-compact vehicles were designed especially to meet the mobility transportation needs of customers who routinely drive short distances in the city and who are also interested in conserving parking space. The modular design will utilize shared components in order to keep operating and maintenance costs to a minimum while offering both safety and durability.

With its swappable battery system that presents a quick and easy charging experience, ZEV-UP offers flexibility when it comes to charging while extending the driving range.
Ford Otosan is Horizon Europe’s most-funded industrial enterprise

When it comes to the development of alternative technologies like electric, hybrid and fuel-cell vehicles, Ford Otosan has been an active player on the international field. In line with this vision, it has participated in a number of EU-financed research projects, including Horizon Europe.

In total, Ford Otosan has been awarded 7.27 million Euros across 16 projects conducted within the framework of Horizon Europe, making it the most-funded industrial enterprise in the program.